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DeKalb County is working to connect its residents and visitors through a countywide interconnected system of trails and greenways. ​
A well-planned and managed trail network can create enormous benefits by raising property values, improving health and quality of life, attracting business investment and providing protection for natural areas, wildlife, and water sources.
Key Goals
Recommend trail and greenway projects that, when built, will serve and attract people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds
Incorporate community feedback and guidance when prioritizing project recommendations
Create a more interconnected cross-county trail network
Align efforts toward seamless local and regional coordination on bicycle and pedestrian projects
Create an accessible trails map​​
Through the Trail and Greenway Master Plan, the County seeks to:
Identify and address gaps and barriers that allow for more equitable access to the trail network and associated destinations
Coordinate with surrounding municipalities to identify and recommend future trail connections and extensions to existing greenway systems
Connect to local destinations, existing greenways, and transit through strategic on-street or street-adjacent trail facilities
Provide maintenance best practices and recommendations
Develop an implementation plan that prioritizes projects and identifies short- and long-term implementation goals
Identify potential funding sources and strategies for resourcing capital, operational, and maintenance projects
Key Strategies
Plan Structure
The final DeKalb County Trail and Greenway Master Plan will contain the follow components:
Analysis of Existing Trail Network
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis
Trail and Greenway Network Development
Trail Design Standards and Guidelines
Implementation Plan
Project Timeline
The DeKalb Trail and Greenway Master Plan planning process will extend through July 2024.